Calling All Youth Advisory Board Members!
Does your organization have a Youth Advisory Board?
National Safe Place Network (NSPN) strives to incorporate the voices of youth in all aspects of services provided. The Network appreciates the strong presence of Youth Advisory Boards (YAB) already working to make a positive impact in communities across the country. Instead of creating a new YAB, NSPN created a unique opportunity to help support organizations and bring youth together.
Your YAB can join the National Youth Advisory Board Collaboration Committee!
The National Youth Advisory Board Collaboration Committee (YCC) is already making a difference in the youth and family services field. Since its inception in 2017, the committee has shared preferred usage of digital interaction, identified favored methods of information sharing, and informed federal runaway and homeless youth (RHY) partners about intake processes. If your organization has a YAB and they are interested in connecting to other YABs across the nation, sign up today.
How it works:
NSPN hosts conference calls for all participating YCC members. Committee calls generally involve a series of questions, similar to a focus group. After an introduction and description of the project, the host starts the conversation by soliciting initial thoughts and ideas about a specific item, requesting feedback on a potential or current process, or encouraging an open discussion about a topic. Following the call, NSPN takes the responses from all participants and works to incorporate them into various local, state, and national initiatives.
Who can participate:
YCC is open to all organizations within the Network. If you have a Youth Advisory Board and you're an NSPN member and/or licensed Safe Place® agency, you're encouraged to sign your Board up today! *YCC welcomes all types of Youth Advisory Boards, including those with members who have participated in services.
How to join:
Signing up is easy! Help your YAB connect with others across the nation to make a difference in the field. Take the first step to collaborate today at
Please contact NSPN’s Communications department at [email protected] if you have any questions.
